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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Border, Asylum, and Citizenship for Dreamers - prospects

Senator Sinema has taken a lot of flack for being a bipartisan lawmaker in this partisan environment. Behind the doors, however, she was instrumental in garnering GOP support for Democratic bills such as infrastructure and gun control. And, as per the tsunami of news reporting, Sinema has apparently struck a deal on immigration with Republican Senator Tillis.

It is indeed different this time because in January 2023, a hard right-wing GOP takes the House killing any hope for immigration compromise in the next Congress, or even after that. And it is during next Congress, DACA will most likely make it to SCOTUS where it will be struck down as unconstitutional.

That time is of the essence is for the first time being acknowledged by Republicans who are eager to secure border and extend Title 42. 

What is happening behind closed doors is unknown. The key sticking point is whether a fully hashed out bill with complete language make it to the floor before end of the year.

For everything else, math's there.

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