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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Deferred Action (DACA) update: Approval Timeline and details

The following is the prediction for approval dates for DACA applications based on fingerprinting dates.  For example, people who got their fingerprints done on 10th October should expect a reply by 18th November. Note: These are not official numbers, but merely linear approximations. Actual results may vary significantly.

Biometics  Vermont

2-Oct  Past due
3-Oct  7-Nov
4-Oct  8-Nov
5-Oct 10-Nov
6-Oct 11-Nov
7-Oct 13-Nov
8-Oct 15-Nov
9-Oct 16-Nov
10-Oct 18-Nov
11-Oct 19-Nov
12-Oct 21-Nov
13-Oct 22-Nov
14-Oct 24-Nov
15-Oct 25-Nov
16-Oct 27-Nov
17-Oct 28-Nov
18-Oct 30-Nov
19-Oct 2-Dec
20-Oct 3-Dec
21-Oct 5-Dec
22-Oct 6-Dec
23-Oct 8-Dec
24-Oct 9-Dec
25-Oct 11-Dec
26-Oct 12-Dec
27-Oct 14-Dec
28-Oct 16-Dec
29-Oct 17-Dec
30-Oct 19-Dec
31-Oct 20-Dec
1-Nov 22-Dec
2-Nov 23-Dec
3-Nov 25-Dec
4-Nov 26-Dec
5-Nov 28-Dec
6-Nov 29-Dec
7-Nov 31-Dec
8-Nov 2-Jan

[Biometrics taken before the date in the first row should expect a result anytime now, hence, past due. Not enough data is available to predict approval dates for Texas Service Center applicants.]

Updated: 11/07/2012

Other Important links: 
DACA: From submission to approval 
DACA: Frequently Asked Questions

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Freedom of Speech: Responsibilities of Humanity

Salman Rushdie once said "true test for our love towards freedom of speech is when we advocate showcasing an idea that offends us personally."

I am not personally perturbed but simply lured into a write up by an anti-Jihad ad scheduled to be showcased across NYC subways next week.  Well, let me start by restating my respect for freedom of speech: I advocate putting this ad up and running.

But this doesn't mean I endorse the contents of the ad, it means I endorse the idea that an ad is showcased without any fear or threat.  And this is the greatness of a free society.

However, Pamela Geller, executive director of the organization paying for the ad, has come up with this poster as a retaliation to several anti-Israel ads displayed around the big apple.  Although I empathize with her, I must say that sometimes we have to understand the repercussions of our personal actions on lives beyond us. But she clearly doesn't. The sole purpose of this ad is... God knows what (or blunt hatred?).

I firmly believe in Gandhian philosophy. The most potent reply to hatred is silence. "They" darted hatred while endorsing anti-Israel ads, we don't have to reply with our canon balls of animosity.  We can simply wave the flags of peace. "They" will stop in shame when facing an opponent of such a high character.

But alas, peace reduces us to mere humans. Hatred creates organizations, gives us positions. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Say hello to my little friend! Kitty!!

Look who I found outside on my porch, prying in my house, clawing at its reflection through the front door, desperately in need of affection, love and care - a kitty!

Looking for a new home, perhaps? Aww! Eyes that leave an indelible emotional mark! 
I try to shy away from everything that arouses a pang of emotion in me. It sounds a bit dark but do we really need an additional burden of a new friendship, and that too of an unconditional kind, in this already packed world of emotional voodoo? Well, against all odds, I guess we do. It reminds us of something so selfless. Something that simply needs love and nothing else. Well, maybe some food and water but that's a deal not to be missed comparing all that hassle people go through to bargain for much less in humans.  

The bowl was filled to the rim with milk first but milk isn't something kittens prefer, I found out pretty quickly (thanks google).  I replaced it and to my relief, kitty did lick some of that low fat yogurt.  It didn't go gaga over it. It's probably the low fat content (apologies for hideous Blackberry camera but more pics on its way)!

And the most trying part: the kitten didn't want me to go in. I've never been close to adorable felines,  thanks to the irrational Indian superstitions that stamps cats as bad omens,  so I was taken aback by the kind of affection the little guy exuded, something that we usually connect canines with.   And yes, that piece of dirty old curtain like thing towering next to the beauty are my pajamas! 
If I stood still, it weaved through my legs, if I walked, it stubbornly followed me. So, I simply stood on the porch till the kitty gained some confidence and a sense of security that I was there and wasn't going to leave. It started looking around as little bugs caught its fancy but if I moved a muscle, it bolted right back in between my legs. Aw! Well, I stood still for a little longer. Merely within minutes, it started doing its thing. Very lively and playful, it went after bugs. I lost its sight for a second and sneaked back in. I wish I could just stand there. Well, the yogurt is out there and so is water.  Maybe, the kitty will return. I want it to.