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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Deferred Action (DACA) update: Approval Timeline and details

The following is the prediction for approval dates for DACA applications based on fingerprinting dates.  For example, people who got their fingerprints done on 10th October should expect a reply by 18th November. Note: These are not official numbers, but merely linear approximations. Actual results may vary significantly.

Biometics  Vermont

2-Oct  Past due
3-Oct  7-Nov
4-Oct  8-Nov
5-Oct 10-Nov
6-Oct 11-Nov
7-Oct 13-Nov
8-Oct 15-Nov
9-Oct 16-Nov
10-Oct 18-Nov
11-Oct 19-Nov
12-Oct 21-Nov
13-Oct 22-Nov
14-Oct 24-Nov
15-Oct 25-Nov
16-Oct 27-Nov
17-Oct 28-Nov
18-Oct 30-Nov
19-Oct 2-Dec
20-Oct 3-Dec
21-Oct 5-Dec
22-Oct 6-Dec
23-Oct 8-Dec
24-Oct 9-Dec
25-Oct 11-Dec
26-Oct 12-Dec
27-Oct 14-Dec
28-Oct 16-Dec
29-Oct 17-Dec
30-Oct 19-Dec
31-Oct 20-Dec
1-Nov 22-Dec
2-Nov 23-Dec
3-Nov 25-Dec
4-Nov 26-Dec
5-Nov 28-Dec
6-Nov 29-Dec
7-Nov 31-Dec
8-Nov 2-Jan

[Biometrics taken before the date in the first row should expect a result anytime now, hence, past due. Not enough data is available to predict approval dates for Texas Service Center applicants.]

Updated: 11/07/2012

Other Important links: 
DACA: From submission to approval 
DACA: Frequently Asked Questions


  1. We also have an approval thread on our forum along with many other topics and questions.

  2. The wait for Vermont Service Center seems really REALLY long. I went for my bio on oct 10, and Feb 27 is a scary. I am so worried Romney will come in and ruin the dream for so many of us.
    How did you get estimates? how many of the 310 cases came from Vermont? And does the date the application was sent count at all. I would think so. A lot of ppl have been just walking-into the bio-appointments.
    I think this may have worked well for those who applied early and walked-in early because USCIS didn't have that many apps ready for final review. But I would assume that those who walked in later like late sept and oct won't have the same outcome because the earlier cases are ready for review.
    Please share your opinion with us!
    Thanks ;)

  3. Hi there,

    Don't worry, I am unable to update data in this post for 10 days due to technical issues. I gather data from various sources and use it to predict future approval dates using numerical methods.

    The speed with which USCIS is working has improved dramatically in the last two weeks. You should expect your approval by the end of November to beginning December, that's assuming you don't receive RFE and your case is fairly straightforward.

    As far as I can see, fingerprint date is much more important than submission date. Also, I don't think Romney is the prophet of doom for undocumented students. If you are deferred, he will not snatch your work permit and other benefits (if he is elected). But he is planning to put in place his own policy in two years.

    Follow this space, I will update this post as soon as I resolve the issues.

    Don't worry, you'll get your approval much sooner than you think.


  4. Hello,
    Do you have updates on the new estimates? in some forums there is talk of 4 to 6 month wait ... Apparently there is a lot of people applying now, do you think it will delay earlier cases, like the late August and early September application submissions?

    We'll be looking out for your new estimates ;)

  5. what about wait times for CSC??

    took my bios on 10/24 and still havent heard anything

  6. As a relevant topic to this post, there are also some reports on the estimation of the number of immigrants that may be currently eligible to remain in the United States under the deferred action initiative.

  7. I took my bios on 10/11 and nothing yet. I'm very stressed by this process, as i heard other applicants have been approved in less than 2 months.

  8. I took my bios on 10/11/12 and nothing yet. I made a service request on May 28th and on June 9th I received a letter stating that there are no processing time frames available at this time. I never had any misdemeanors, only traffic tickets, which i already took care of. I don't know what else to do. Please advise, this process is very stressful.
