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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

After lame duck session, Dreamers (DACA) don't stand a chance for years.

 It is important for the Democrats to realize that lame duck session is their only chance for getting pathway to citizenship passed for DACA recipients. If John Boehner could disallow vote on the bipartisan immigration bill back in 2013 that was passed by a veto-proof majority in the Senate, it is fair to say that Kevin McCarthy will most certainly follow that path come 2023. In the past 10 years, few would say that immigration debate has become less inflammable. 

More importantly, the 10 republicans, who stand between DACA recipients and a pathway to citizenship must acknowledge this fact. Their House colleagues are bound to reject any bill with a pathway to citizenship in 118th Congress, regardless of border security provisions tagged to it. John Boehner didn't care back in 2013 about the fact that Senate had thrown all the money it could on border security to appease their House colleagues. The poison pill was the pathway to citizenship. And if Republicans tried jamming an immigration restrictive bill with border security provisions without granting citizenship to some already within the country, Biden will veto it. 

So… the 10 Republicans, fateful 10, must know that any meaningful immigration bill - that helps them address border issues - must happen now during the lame duck. Even though some may say that lame duck is no time for major legislation. On the contrary, the lame duck session is especially for difficult but right bills to pass with little political fallout. 

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