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Thursday, August 9, 2012

iREVIEW: District 9

Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope and David James. Written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell. Directed by Neill Blomkamp.  

I am absolutely gobsmacked by this film.  It is Humans vs. Aliens at its best, mostly because it is much more than that.  I understand that it is rather trite to say that a film is held together by theme and blunt action is merely an instrument of ornamentation.  But this film reinforces my belief to a new level.

For the regular masses who watch films for plain entertainment (as they should) and have no intentions or aspirations of making one, District 9 is a colossal war between Humans and "poor" aliens stuck on Earth quite literally due to a mechanical failure in their "mother ship."  Watching this film unfold, one laminate at a time, enthralls us like Independence Day, Transformers and Aliens, bottled into one breathtaking concoction, would.

Basically, an alien population (around 20 years ago) unfortunately landed on our planet and quick to leech upon the helpless, humans soon amass a treasure of high-tech ammunition they found the alien ship loaded with.  But here's the problem.  These weapons are biologically engineered to be handled by the aliens only.  Fallen to the mercy of the merciless, the "prawns", as the aliens are known to be, are forced into a few acres of containment with slum-like conditions.  Meanwhile, over a period of decades, as underground tests are being performed to decode the alien weaponry conundrum, riots are breaking down on the ground between the repressed aliens and the restless civilians. Hence, the government decides to relocate some million aliens to the outskirts of the city.  So far so good. But then something really awesome happens and rest I'll be kind enough to leave it for you to watch.

It is not that the movie is all hullabaloo, albeit it is frantic and loud at most points, but it is the emotional quotient you are taken aback by.  Much potent than what we saw in AVATAR,  District 9 truly slams a mirror in front of us and ferociously commands us to judge whether we adore or decry the atrocities on these aliens.  And let me tell you, you will be disgusted by the human thinking and find the race quite repulsive.  This success in showing us who we are at our deepest is what makes the film a gem.

There is a heart wrenching metamorphosis that takes place throughout the film and is the sole reason for aliens to fight back.  When one of us, with a conscience, enters their territory and becomes one of them, it is bad news for the profligate few (or many) of us.

Whether it be the acting, Sharlto Copley is the center of this film, or the semi-mockumentary style filmmaking,  District 9 follows the Avatar path but leaves a deeper scar on our vile hearts. Bravo!

Go get you DVD today!

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