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Friday, July 20, 2012

James Holmes: The Real Life "Joker" terrorist

As the plot behind the horrendous Colorado Movie Massacre begin to unfurl, we realize none of it is anything short of a horror film.  Authorities have now revealed that James Holmes, suspect responsible for 12 deaths and almost 50 plus injuries after opening random barrage of gunshots during a premiere screening of The Dark Knight Rises, thought of himself as the Joker with trenchant belief.

Tragic and horrific shootings are not something new to the United States.  This of course begs to question the validity and effectiveness of our gun laws that differ from state to state.  Can civilian bear arms? Yes, according to the constitution civilians have the right to bear arms.  This right is so pathetically abused, however, that we end up seeing a 24 year old college student with multiple semi-automatics and assault rifles with booby traps in his studio apartment.  This isn't what right to bear arms means.  It is for self-defense and self-defense ONLY.

Right to bear arms is a must for individual protection and self-defense in our greedy and somewhat flimsily structured society.  Today's massacre has forced me to construct my own laws to bear arms.  I believe the following should be the provisions in determining the eligibility to bear arms:
  1. No one under the age of sixteen is allowed to bear arms. Cases for the candidates under the age of eighteen must be handed over to the police authority for thorough investigation. 
  2. Only pistols with modest caliber (or the ones used to hunt birds) should be opened for civilians (no assault rifles, semi- or fully automatics).  
  3. Medical history along with criminal history should be thoroughly verified by the authorities to grant guns to anyone. Any case of mental instability or criminal record (including frauds) should be handed over to police authorities for them to decide upon the decision to bear arms. 
  4. Each decision should be case by case.  No set guidelines should ever be put forth except for the ones listed in these provisions. 
  5. Every effort should be made by the police authorities to liberate the candidate of any threatening situations based on which he/she is demanding to bear arms. 
  6. If the threat is not immediate and the candidate simply wants to acquire a gun, the police authorities should track the candidate's movements for at least six months before handing him/her the gun.  This is of course assuming the candidate has a clear medical and criminal history. 
  7. At the end, these provisions should be used as fluid guidelines and if authorities are assured that breaking any of the above provisions would help with the security of an individual, the state police has the last call to provide a gun to the candidate. No provision must ever go through an amendment from this point on, unless a situation of national security occurs. 
I think the above provisions are pretty fool proof. If you any comments or would like to suggest a change in the above provisions or add a couple, please a comment below.

God Bless! 

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