It is a time proven fact that society has always churned out robotic beings while sheathing their consciousness from this puppeteer theory. It is indeed tragic. Once in a blue moon, there emerges a man who decides to think of its own and question these hard etched rules and regulations of society. The genesis of society may have been simply to collect people into a commune and live side by side to support one another and face calamities of any kind with unity. If that is the case, then a major but subtle point has been completely overlooked. Human and its mentality are anything but isolated. How you think has an effect on how I think. How we all think has an effect on how that little child thinks. This elemental behavior has a rather constraining effect on the creativity of humans. Society ends creativity, it creates losers. And for a child, society begins at home and expands outward from parents to neighbors to friends to colleagues and so on.
In essence, society has managed to bisect humanity into four kinds: foolish, ignorant, coward and brave. There are people, thought relatively few or as I hope so, who have absolutely no aspirations to gain anything. Life is a beautiful or an ugly world, a static or a dynamic domain, whatever it is, these kind have no desires to either fly out of or dwell deeper into it to look for answers. For them, their existence is their biggest accomplishment. Beyond the point of their birth, they seek no wisdom, no knowledge beyond what is given to them. These are the foolish kind. They are the kind who will enjoy living in a contaminated puddle oblivious to the fact that there exists a grand ocean full of life and dynamism in the same reality.
Then there is the ignorant. And I hope this makes the majority! Today's fast paced life and a rather career oriented one is churning up many ignorant brains. These people begin a thought process with benefits and move inwards to source. Who they want to be is not important, rather silly for that matter, but what they want is the crux of their lives. They want a mansion, a six-figure car, a vacation every year, and so on. The ignorant bases its life on how to get these benefits most efficiently and quickly. It doesn't matter if the source is a medicine career or a career in engineering. They are oblivious to the source. But they do have an aspiration but that is of the effect and not the source, making them at least more dignified than a foolish. Ignorant minds, as I hope, make up the majority.
I am sure there are many cowards than we can ever find out. There is a thin line between being an ignorant and a coward. We all agree that most of us, if given only two of these options, would settle for ignorant rather than coward. There is a certain dignity in working for something which you know as the only way of life. But that dignity plummets into a man hole when you do things that an ignorant would do without being an ignorant! When you completely realize who you want to be in life and still resort to the more socially accepted avenues, you become a coward. These so-called "accepted" tracks are, without any doubt, easier, more expected and reputed tracks than the not-so readily accepted ones. But that's the tough game and coward is the truest loser. And the only way to be a loser is not to even charter into a territory because you are afraid of its environment. So afraid of losing, that you don't even try. If you have lost the fear of losing and decided to tread your way into the oblivion, you belong to the next and the most precious category of all.
Brave people do exist but far in between. Tragically, seldom a person even realizes who it really wants to be and rarely that person sacrifices its life for its being. Sacrificing this beautiful gift for your passion is the ultimate stamp of a brave soul. It is even more tragic that not all brave faces make the front, but those who do shine as a star. They are the demi gods of our society. You realize your passion, you realize the odds, you realize the obstacles, you realize there is no map and it is blindly dark and still you walk in, with the hope to reach your destiny and with determination to rise every time you fall and with consciousness that you will fall more than society can accept, but then you become brave. Then you rise above everything. Then you die happily because you lived happily.
Unfortunately, the above classification may sound too mathematical and discrete but it is indeed the fabric of our society. It makes up the acceptable and outlaws, the followers and the renegades. It differentiates the leader from a disciple. And we have to understand and completely live with the fact that our parents are no different. Their utmost goal is to see their children live a fulfilling and a happy life. They don't want to see struggle in their children's life not just because they can't endure the insomniac nights bestowed upon their little ones but also because children already have enough work at hand before they are "accepted" into the society. How will they survive if they try to first anchor themselves on a lonely post in stormy waters and then carve their way completely against the tide? Only few have done it. The probability is not great. The risk is too high. So, the parents, as they were brought up by their parents and encoded with such sensibility, raise their children at best to be ignorant. They project future in their eyes, the sweet comforts of mansions, cars, respected social standing, and a spouse who tirelessly helps in producing more children. But not once, in the entire development, does a parent gain enough wisdom and courage to mention the importance of finding yourself. Not once, they prevent children from not getting swept away by the effectual delicacies of certain professions. Not once, they allow children to devour on the voluptuousness of their passion.
Upbringing of a parent plays a key role in this typical attitude more than we can think. A renegade parent would completely empathize with its renegade son. But an ignorant parent has no reference point beyond ignorance. All the classifications, of being foolish, ignorant, coward and brave, are simply perceived within this "bigger" pool of ignorance. An ignorant parent is simply a fish in an aquarium oblivious to the cool and refreshing streams of rivers. How can that fish ask its offspring to spill out of the aquarium in search of the ocean? The fish had heard stories about those who achieved freedom of sea but aquarium isn't bad either. This is what every fish is living in. This is what their world is. At least, so the fish thinks.
There are four kinds of man, as mentioned above. And there are three kinds of tragedies happening to mankind. First, foolish and ignorant make up the majority of society and that is a tragedy in itself. Second, when a man realizes its true passion, it can either be a coward or a brave but he can never be a foolish or ignorant even if he wanted to be. And third, the first chronicle in many chronicles that lead to a decision is that of the contribution of a parent. A child, whenever perplexed, looks back at his parent. The tragedy is the choice between cowardice and bravery is rather simple to make for a parent. And you know what that is!